Why Us?
Why Health & Wealth, Inc
As the Baby Boom (70 million people born between 1946-1964) approaches retirement, there are numerous areas where they will continue to seek professional advice, including; When to take social security income, consolidating and rolling over group retirement plans to individual IRAs, understanding their health insurance options and Medicare, renewing or reviewing their life insurance policies, and more.
Over the years, we have found that one of the keys in our business is to be Independent. To understand what this means, you first should know the alternative, which is to be ‘Captive.’ A Captive Agent is one who works for a specific company (other than his/her own), and by contract is only allowed to market and sell the products offered through that company. Obviously, some people choose to work for individual insurance or financial companies as salaried employees, and by nature of this fact, are committed to their career with that one company or carrier. However, there are many more people out there who are licensed in their state for life, accident, and health insurance and yet they end up limiting themselves by signing up with a company that is ‘Captive.’ In most of these cases, these individuals are earning their pay 100% through commissions only. They are essentially independent contractors and will receive a 1099 for their taxes from any company they earn income from. Yet, if they are limited by their contract on what products or carriers they can sell, then they are missing out on opportunities to help more people that they come in contact with, which limits their opportunity to make more money for themselves and their families. The other reason being Independent matters, is so you can help your present and future clients. Imagine you helped a client with auto or home insurance, and then they ask you for health insurance, or dental, or life insurance, or maybe something else such as Medicare Supplement Plans for their spouse. You never want to say, “Sorry, we don’t do that.” Or, “I don’t really know much about that.” Or worse, “We can’t help with that.” Essentially, you’d be telling that client to go elsewhere, and that elsewhere is your competition. That is where our opportunity is. We ARE the competition. We are the ones who say, “Yes, I can help.” And, we get paid to do it. We will teach you how to do the same. It may be that you are already an established agency and you want to add a lucrative product line, such as Medicare Supplement Plans. Or perhaps you are just starting out and you want to offer a comprehensive solution to your clients. In both cases, we have the experience, the know-how, the hands on training, and top contracts with the carriers in place to help you grow your business. Who you go into business with matters. We took the time, working diligently over several years, studying our industry and the competition and learning how it all works. Sometimes we learned the ‘hard’ way and at considerable cost to ourselves, how certain organizations keep you from moving up, or pay you less commission than you can earn elsewhere, or imposing arbitrary quotas on production, or limiting your territories and such. More importantly than that though, we developed a clear and concise marketing plan for our own direction, which sets us apart from anyone else. Our opportunity is your opportunity. Several of the people who work with us are already very successful in their own right. Some of them are incorporated, have their own business name, their own business model, an existing client base. Many are very independent minded and don’t need any hand holding when it comes to prospecting clients and closing business. For others, they value the regular training that we offer on any given topic. For all, we believe in the importance of having a ‘Go-to’ person, someone to answer pertinent questions and someone who cares about your success. That is why I mentioned at the beginning that with us, you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. We welcome and encourage the independent, entrepreneurial spirit that has made our country great. We are devoted to giving you all of the tools you will need to serve clients and build a meaningful business for you and your families. If you have any questions or are ready to move forward and partner with us, we look forward to speaking with you |